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Sodium hypochlorite generator

Aug. 14, 2024

The sodium hypochlorite electrolytic cell is the core component of the sodium hypochlorite generator. It is metered with dilute salt water and fed into the electrolytic cell, and then connected to the anode and cathode DC power supply through a silicon rectifier to electrolyze and generate sodium hypochlorite.

1. Saltwater solution contains several ions such as Na+and H -. According to electrolysis theory, when an electrode is inserted, under a certain voltage, the electrolyte solution undergoes conductivity due to the movement of ions and electrode reactions. At this time, negative ions such as CL - and OH - move towards the anode, while positive ions such as Na+and H+move towards the cathode and discharge on the corresponding electrode, thereby carrying out oxidation-reduction reactions and producing the corresponding substances.

The electrolysis process of saline solution can be expressed by the following reaction equation: NaCl=Na++Cl-

3. Anodic electrolysis: H2O=H+OH -2Cl-2e - → Cl2 ↑ Cathodic electrolysis: 2H -+2e - → H2 ↑

In a diaphragm free electrolysis device, the electrolyte and electrolysis product hydrogen gas escape from the solution, while the rest are in the same electrolysis cell. Due to the stirring effect of hydrogen gas on the solution during the escape process, a series of chemical reactions occur between the electrolysis products between the two poles. The reaction equation is as follows:

2NaCl+2H2O→2NaOH+H2↑+Cl2 2NaOH+Cl2→NaClO+NaCl+H2O

5. In the electrolysis of saltwater without a diaphragm, the overall equation of the solution is obtained by adding the two reaction equations listed above. NaCl+H2O+2F → NaClO+H2 ↑, where F is the Faraday electrolysis constant, with a value of 26.8 ampere hours or 96487 coulombs.

6. The sodium hypochlorite generator consists of an electrolytic cell, a silicon rectifier control cabinet, a salt dissolution tank, a cooling system, and supporting UPVC pipes, valves, water injectors, flow meters, etc. Add 3-4 dilute salt solution into the electrolytic cell, conneSodium hypochlorite generator
